Full Parts Catalogue

The table contains an unfiltered list of all parts listed for the section 'BD: Rear damper links'.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description Unit Price
BD010 F100739 Ball pin, n/s link upper £88.00
BD020 F100232 Ball pin, n/s link lower £88.00
BD030 Ball pin, o/s link upper £88.00
BD040 Ball pin, o/s link lower £88.00
BD050 F100190 Pad, inner link lower end £68.50
BD060 F100752 Pad, outer link lower end £68.50
BD070 Pad, inner, link upper end £61.00
BD080 FB2166 Cap, 1.350" hole centres, rear link £89.00
BD085 FB2169DC Cap, 1.437" hole centres, rear link £89.00
BD086 FB2219 Bolt, 1BA, damper link upper cap £12.00
BD090 Cover, leather, top, rear link £53.41
BD100 Cover, leather, lower rear link £37.61
BD110 F100188 Spring, rear damper link £15.50
BD125 Body complete with matched nut, rear damper link £330.50
BD140 F100907 Stand pipe, rear damper link £9.50
BDA010 Clamp, rear damper link, Springfield (Lovejoy) £55.50
BDB010 F51333 Ball pin, upper, rear damper link, 20hp to GYL20 £104.00
BDB020 F54312 Ball pin, upper, rear damper link, 20hp GYL21 - GVO9 £92.50
BDB030 F51358 Ball pin, lower, rear damper link, 20hp to GNK87 £79.50
BDB040 F53416 Ball pin, lower, rear damper link, 20hp GNK87 to GYL20 £123.00
BDB050 F54313 Ball pin, lower, rear damper link, 20hp GYL21 - GVO9 £123.00
BDB060 F53215 Ball pad, outer fixed, rear link upper, 20hp to GYL20 £133.00
BDB070 F54366 Ball pad, outer fixed, rear link upper, 20hp GYL21 - end (solid link) £120.50
BDB080 F53216 Ball pad, outer adjusting, rear link lower, 20hp to GYL20 £113.50
BDB090 F54367 Ball pad, outer adjusting, rear link lower, 20hp GYL21 to end (solid link) £121.50
BDB100 F53217 Ball pad, inner, rear link lower, 20hp to GYL20 £138.50
BDB110 F54779 Ball pad, inner, rear link lower, 20hp GYL21 - end (solid link) POA
BDB120 F53218 Ball pad, inner, rear link upper, 20hp all chassis (solid link) £56.50
BDC020 F74774 Ball pin, upper, rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on £88.50
BDC030 F74908 Ball pin, lower, rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on £93.50
BDC040 F74789 Ball pad, outer, upper end rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on £96.48
BDC050 F74787 Ball pad, inner, upper end rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on £96.48
BDC060 F74791 Ball pad, outer, lower end rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on £96.48
BDC070 F74786 Ball pad, inner, lower end rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on £73.00
BDC150 F75084 Cover, leather, upper, rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on POA
BDC160 F74907 Cover, leather, lower, rear damper link, Ph 1 series D2 on, Ph 2 to 63MW £34.00
BDC165 F75170 Cover, leather, lower, rear damper link, Phantom 1 POA
BDC200 Ballpin, upper, rear damper link, Springfield Phantom 1 late chassis £116.00
BDC210 Ballpin, lower, rear damper link, Springfield Phantom 1 late chassis £120.50
BDC230 Spring, rear damper link balljoint, Springfield Phantom 1 late chassis £20.00
BDD010 F80398 Ball pin, upper, rear damper link, Phantom 2 to 58 in series N2 £116.00
BDD020 F83582 Ball pin, upper, rear damper link, Phantom 2 59 in series N2 on on £115.00
BDD030 G77193 Ball pin, lower, rear damper link, Phantom 2 to 50 in N2 series £92.00
BDD040 G79823 Ball pin, lower, rear damper link, Phantom 2, 51 in N2 series on £104.00
BDD050 F76514 Cap, bronze, outer top, rear damper link, Phantom 2 POA
BDD052 F85686 Cap, bronze, outer top, rear damper link, P2 all chassis to 35 in T2 £113.00
BDD056 F86903 Cap, bronze, outer top, rear damper link, Phantom 2 36 in T2 on £113.00
BDD062 F83399 Ball pad, inner top, rear damper link, Phantom 2 58 in N2 - 77 in P2 £67.50
BDD070 F79453 Ball pad, outer lower end, rear damper link, Phantom 2 to 58 in N2 series £98.00
BDD072 F58216 Ball pad, outer lower end, rear damper link, Phantom 2 59 in N2 - 125 in O2 £73.00
BDD074 F84932 Ball pad, outer lower end, rear damper link, Phantom 2 126 in O2 on £86.00
BDD080 F79758 Ball pad, inner lower end, rear damper link, Phantom 2 to 58 in N2 POA
BDD082 F58040 Ball pad, inner lower end, rear damper link, Phantom 2 59 in N2 - 77 in P2 £71.00
BDD100 F79914/PC222 Spring, rear damper link, Phantom 2 £8.50
BDD140 F79423 Socket, lower end rear damper link, Phantom 2 (unknown application) POA
BDR010 F56801 Ball pin, upper, 20/25 50 in O to GBT21; front damper also. £126.50
BDR011 F57867 Ball pin, upper, 20/25, GBT22 - GLZ51 £122.00
BDR015 F58809 Ball pin, N/S link upper, 20/25 GLZ52 on, 25/30 £111.50
BDR035 F58808 Ball pin, O/S link upper, 20/25 GLZ52 on, 25/30 £111.50
BDR040 F57884 Ball pin, rear lower, 20/25 GBT22 on, 25/30 £131.50
BDR045 F54313 Ball pin, lower, 20hp and early 20/25 £123.00
BDR055 F57886 Pad, inner, link lower end, 20/25 GBT22 on, 25/30 £84.00
BDR065 F84932 Pad, outer, link lower end 20/25 GBT22 on, 25/30 £86.00
BDR066 F58216 Pad, outer, link lower end, 20/25, GBT22-GLZ51 £73.00
BDR075 F57885 Pad, inner, link upper end, 20/25 with 1-shot POA
BDR076 F58214 Pad, inner, link upper end, 20/25 GBT22 on, 25/30 £77.00
BDR079 F76514 Cap, damper link rear, 20/25 GKT21 - GLZ51 POA
BDR080 F85686DC Cap, damper link upper, 20/25 GLZ52 to GSF50 £113.00
BDR085 F86901 Cap, damper link upper, 20/25 GSF51 - GHG24 £113.00
BDR086 F86903DC Cap, damper link upper, 20/25 GHG25 on, 25/30 £113.00
BDR087 F53949 Bolt, rear damper link cap, 20/25 GLZ52 on, 25/30 £7.00
BDR091 F52080 Cover, leather, rear link upper, 20hp & 20/25 O series to T100 £37.61
BDR092 Cover, leather, rear link upper, 20/25 T101 on, 25/30 £53.41
BDR101 F52081 Cover, leather, rear link lower, 20hp & 20/25 O series to T100 £37.61
BDR102 F74907 Cover, leather, rear link lower, 20/25 GKT22 to GLZ51 £38.61
BDR103 F85374 Cover, leather, rear link lower, 20/25 GLZ52 on, 25/30, P2 65MW on £34.34
BDR200 Link body complete, 20hp shock damper POA
BDR202 F54329 Link body complete, O/S, 20hp rear shock damper POA
BDR203 F54332 Link body complete, N/S, 20hp rear shock damper POA
BDR210 Link end, long, 20hp shock damper £86.50
BDR230 F57887 Body, rear damper link 20/25, early POA
BDR235 F59669 Body, rear damper link 20/25 POA
BDR260 F86923 Body, damper link, 25/30 POA

Part Usage: Listed by Chassis Series

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The table shows a filtered list of the parts required for section ‘BD: Rear damper links’ on a Rolls-Royce Phantom 1: E2B series, with quantities if known.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description QTY Unit Price
BDC020 F74774 Ball pin, upper, rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on 2 £88.50
BDC030 F74908 Ball pin, lower, rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on 2 £93.50
BDC040 F74789 Ball pad, outer, upper end rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on 2 £96.48
BDC050 F74787 Ball pad, inner, upper end rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on 2 £96.48
BDC060 F74791 Ball pad, outer, lower end rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on 2 £96.48
BDC070 F74786 Ball pad, inner, lower end rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on 2 £73.00
BDC150 F75084 Cover, leather, upper, rear damper link, Phantom 1, series D2 on 2 POA
BDC160 F74907 Cover, leather, lower, rear damper link, Ph 1 series D2 on, Ph 2 to 63MW 2 £34.00