Firstly, let us start with a bit of history. Fiennes Restoration were a renowned specialist in the manufacture and supply of spare parts for Rolls-Royce and Bentley motorcars built between 1906 - 1940, with an extensive product knowledge. The company was founded by Dr William Fiennes in the early 1980's and it grew steadily over the intervening years. Will has a knowledge of these cars which is almost certainly unrivalled and his insistence on quality gave Fiennes an excellent and deserved reputation.

In 2023 the original company unfortunately entered administration. After negotiations, the new parts side of the business was acquired by a small group of shareholders, with Emily Anderson as the Managing Director.

Our team have been trading successfully since June 2023, with Paul Heaney and Ben Foulds working in our Tamworth unit. Emily manages the day to day running of the business, aided by two shareholders.

We are gradually re-stocking the shelves, and have already made good headway with the challenge. Our main objective is to offer the pre-war Rolls Royce and Bentley community the best possible service.

Additionally, we are committed to reinstating Fiennes Parts, to a company that honours the work, knowledge and skills used to build it initially. We're focusing on quality, whilst keeping the passion for these cars at the centre of our business model.

We really hope you'll continue to support us. We appreciate each and every one of our customers.

In 2025 we'll continue to offer a mail order parts service to owners and restorers across the globe. View our illustrated Parts Catalogue and highlight the parts suited to the chassis series of your car by using our unique filtering system. This also enables you to see how many of each part is required for your car, and details the original Rolls-Royce part number.

Parts availability and supply

Over many years our inventory of new parts has grown to number over seven thousand separate items for pre-war Rolls-Royce and Bentley vehicles. We try to maintain stocks of all these parts, but as demand fluctuates there will be times when we are out of stock of certain items. If you are looking for a particular part but you cannot identify it from our Parts List please let us know. It may be a part that we are considering manufacturing, or we may be able to source it from an alternative specialist supplier.


The new parts that we outsource for production are, in the main, manufactured to original specifications. With regards to materials, not all the original material specifications that were used prior to 1940 are available today and wherever possible we instruct the use of materials of an equivalent or improved specification.

Click here to read our Tips for ordering