Relined brake shoes are usually available on an exchange basis, dependent upon condition. Alternatively your brake shoes can be re-lined.

Full Parts Catalogue

The table contains an unfiltered list of all parts listed for the section 'CC: Front brakes'.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description Unit Price
CC005 Front brake shoe assembly, relined; EXCHANGE ONLY POA
CC011 Main shoe, relined, front footbrake, 0.420" bore for spring, EXCHANGE ONLY £56.50
CC012 Main shoe, relined, front footbrake, 0.470" bore for spring, EXCHANGE ONLY £56.50
CC021 Toe shoe, relined 9mm thick, front footbrake, EXCHANGE ONLY £35.00
CC030 Pivot bush, front brake main shoe £40.50
CC031 Pivot bush, front brake main shoe, oversize £40.50
CC032 Bolt, fr. brake shoe pivot, 2.045" under head. £20.50
CC035 GB2020 Washer, steel, brake shoe pivot £6.00
CC040 G100793 Pivot bush, front brake toe shoe £7.50
CC045 GB3243 Spring, toe shoe £5.20
CC050 Bush - toggle pin £5.50
CC060 G100349 Pull-off spring, lower, front brakes, Bentley £33.00
CC070 G100347 Pull-off Spring, Fr Brake Top £33.00
CC080 GB2025 Bush, front brake toggle shaft, C series on £40.00
CC085 GB2027DC Housing, N/S brake toggleshaft bearing, C-series on £68.00
CC086 GB2026DC Housing, O/S brake toggleshaft bearing, C-series on POA
CC088 GB2077 Housing, brake toggleshaft bearing, requires bush, N/S & O/S, Bentley A & B ser £38.50
CC089 GB2076 Bush, brake toggleshaft bearing, Bentley A & B series POA
CC097 GB2705 Brake toggle, front and rear, Bentley and Wraith £39.00
CC099 GB1097 Toggle shaft, O/S Bentley C series to end of F POA
CC100 GB1847 Bush, top hat, toggleshaft, Bentley 4 1/4L £19.50
CC101 G100373 Bush, tapered bore, toggle shaft, Bentley 3 1/2L £19.00
CC110 G52487 Brake lever ball pin £35.00
CC115 G51750 Cap end, brake lever lower balljoint £111.50
CC118 G52554 Nut, pinch bolt, brake rod balljoint £2.40
CC119 K2819 Pinch bolt screw, brake rod balljoint £11.00
CC120 G52769/G75006 Cover, top balljoint fr.brake, small HP chassis and P1, P2 £30.38
CC130 G52770 Cover, bot.balljoint fr brake, small HP chassis and P1, P2 & P3 £31.80
CC140 Yoke, front brake adjuster £204.50
CC150 Spring, brake adjuster wing nut £5.60
CC160 Retaining collar, brake adjuster spring £8.50
CC200 Washer, top hat, brake adjuster £6.00
CC220 GB1219,1671 Brake carrier plate, N/S, late, not drilled for counterweights £236.50
CC221 GB1218,1670 Brake carrier plate, O/S, late, not drilled for counterweights £242.00
CC225 G100774 Brake carrier plate, N/S, early £242.00
CC226 G100773 Brake carrier plate, O/S, early £242.00
CCA010 Front brake shoe, Silver Ghost, relined; EXCHANGE ONLY. £62.00
CCA020 G70288 Pull-off spring, front brake shoe, Silver Ghost and Phantom 1 to end of B2 POA
CCA100 G70015 Ball pin, front brake pull rod, Silver Ghost and Phantom 1 to series B2 £55.50
CCA110 G70032 Ball pad, outer, front brake pull rod, Silver Ghost & Phantom 1 to series B2 POA
CCA120 G70031 Ball pad, inner, front brake pull rod, Silver Ghost & Phantom 1 to series B2 POA
CCA130 G73276 Sleeve, steel, on outer end of toggle shaft, S Ghost & Ph 1 V & W series POA
CCA140 G72523 Bush, supporting front brake toggle shaft, Silver Ghost & Phantom 1 V & W series POA
CCA150 G73275 Bush, supporting outer end, front brake toggle shaft, S Gh & Ph 1 V & W series POA
CCB010 G51773 Spring, pull-off, front brake shoe, 20hp, 20/25 and 25/30 £39.00
CCC010 Brake shoe, relined, front, P1 and early P2, EXCHANGE ONLY £68.00
CCC100 G74320 Ball pin, lower, front brake pull rod, Phantom 1 series C2 on £44.00
CCC110 G74233 Ball pin, upper, front brake pull rod, Phantom 1 series C2 on £46.00
CCC120 G74234 Socket, lower ball joint, brake pull rod Phantom 1 C2A on and Phantom 2 POA
CCC130 G73361 Bush, supporting outer end, front brake toggle shaft, Phantom 1 X to B2 series POA
CCC140 G73364 Bush, supporting front brake toggle shaft, Phantom 1 X series to B2 POA
CCD010 Main shoe, front footbrake, P2, relined, EXCHANGE ONLY £45.26
CCD011 Brake shoe, front footbrake, early P2, relined, EXCHANGE ONLY POA
CCD020 Toe shoe, front footbrake, P2, relined, EXCHANGE ONLY POA
CCD050 G75917/pc236 Spring, brake-shoe return, front brakes, all Phantom 2 £19.50
CCD060 G79099/pc205 Spring, auxiliary brake-shoe (front and rear brakes), Phantom 2 series N2 to U2 £5.20
CCD100 G75906 Toggleshaft, O/S, front brake, Phantom 2 £136.00
CCD110 G75907 Toggleshaft, N/S, front brake, Phantom 2 £136.00
CCD120 G75006 Cover, leather, brake rod upper ball joint, Phantom 2 and 3 POA
CCE010 G56391/G57229 Toggle, front brake shoe, 20/25 series F2 on and 25/30 £48.00
CCMG150 Brake pull off spring front MG PB £18.00
CCN011 Main brake shoe, Wraith, relined; EXCHANGE ONLY. £54.00
CCN012 Toe brake shoe, Wraith, relined; EXCHANGE ONLY. POA
CCN020 Spring, front brake pull-off, Wraith £18.50
CCN090 GW1660 Lever, intermediate, front brake. Wraith £30.50
CCN130 GW1712 Bellcrank lever, upper ball joint fr brake, mounted on O/S vertical link, Wraith £49.50
CCR010 Brake return spring, chassis side rail, Wraith £23.50
CCR015 Front brake shoe assembly, 20hp to end of J series and L series: exchange £60.64
CCR017 Front brake shoe assembly, 20hp K series, M series on, 20/25 to GKT21: exchange £60.64
CCR035 Front brake shoe assembly, 20/25 GKT22 on and 25/30 relined; EXCHANGE ONLY. POA
CCR036 Main brake shoe, 20/25 GKT22 on and 25/30, relined; EXCHANGE ONLY. POA
CCR037 Toe brake shoe, 20/25 GKT22 on and 25/30, relined; EXCHANGE ONLY. POA
CCR050 G73064 Cover, leather, front brake ball joint P1 £27.80

Part Usage: Listed by Chassis Series

Lookup Chassis Code

The table shows a filtered list of the parts required for section ‘CC: Front brakes’ on a Rolls-Royce 20hp: M series, with quantities if known.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description QTY Unit Price
CC110 G52487 Brake lever ball pin 4 £35.00
CC115 G51750 Cap end, brake lever lower balljoint 2 £111.50
CC118 G52554 Nut, pinch bolt, brake rod balljoint 4 £2.40
CC120 G52769/G75006 Cover, top balljoint fr.brake, small HP chassis and P1, P2 2 £30.38
CC130 G52770 Cover, bot.balljoint fr brake, small HP chassis and P1, P2 & P3 2 £31.80
CCB010 G51773 Spring, pull-off, front brake shoe, 20hp, 20/25 and 25/30 2 £39.00
CCR015 Front brake shoe assembly, 20hp to end of J series and L series: exchange 4 £60.64
QSN100 K4007 Nut, steel, 1BA x 10mm AF 4 £0.60