Full Parts Catalogue

The table contains an unfiltered list of all parts listed for the section 'EA: Brake servo'.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description Unit Price
EA010 Bearing, servo driving flange £162.00
EA020 Bearing, bridge plate £67.00
EA030 G55679 Friction lining, stapled £43.00
EA040 G56065 Friction lining, fully floating. £26.00
EA050 G57192/G57162? Friction lining, 'M' series Bentley £35.50
EA060 G54240 Staple for Servo Lining, small horsepower & P2 £1.30
EA090 G76782 Lining, servo balance lever, upper, 20/25, 30, Bentley (not M-series) £26.00
EA095 GB468 Lining, servo balance lever, lower, 20/25, 30, Bentley (not M-series) £26.00
EA160 G53180/pc223 Leaf spring, servo spindle, small horsepower and Phantom £21.50
EA170 Bush, suspension link brake servo, M-series £73.00
EA180 G56070 Bush, servo bridge plate, Bentley 3 1/2 to end of D series and 20/25 £126.00
EA185 G54029 Bolt, servo bridge bearing POA
EA187 G55000 Bush, splined steel, in bridge plate bearing, Bentley POA
EA190 G52156 Bolt, tapered, ret. bearing in servo drum, 20/25 to H2, Bentley to series D £7.00
EA191 Nut, retaining EA190 bolt, 20/25 to H2, Bentley to series D POA
EA195 G56135 Bolt, tapered, ret. bearing in servo drum, 20/25 J2 on, 25/30, Bentley ser E on £7.00
EA196 Nut, retaining EA195 bolt, 20/25 J2 on, 25/30, Bentley series E on POA
EA220 GB1800/GB2349? Friction plate, servo drum, Bentley M-series £112.00
EAB010 G52158 Bearing, bronze, servo bridge plate, 20hp POA
EAB020 G52183 Bolt, ret. bronze bearing, servo bridge plate, 20hp, 20/25 to end H2 & 3 1/2L POA
EAB030 G55000 Bush, splined steel, in bridge plate bearing, 20hp, 20/25 and Bentley 3 1/2L POA
EAC010 G72627/PC166 Lining, brake servo, P1, retained by 8 rivets £37.50
EAC015 G79506 Lining, brake servo, retained by 8 staples, P1 POA
EAC016 G80173 Lining, brake servo, retained by 8 staples, P1, Ferodo POA
EAC020 G7391/pc143 Rivet, brake servo lining, P1 : 3/16 x 5/16 £0.30
EAC025 G1977 Staple, brake servo lining, P1 POA
EAC026 G79190 Staple, brake servo lining, P1 POA
EAC100 G72488 Bearing, servo drive shaft, having extra axial clearance, Phantom 1 POA
EAD010 G76812/pc232 Bearing, servo drive shaft, having extra axial clearance, Phantom 2 £200.00
EAD020 G78524/pc286 Lining, friction, brake servo, Phantom 2 £42.50
EAD040 G76780 Lever, servo drag link, reverse. Phantom 2 all series £19.00
EAE020 KA104 Bolt, retaining support bearing in servo bridge plate, 20/25 J2 & K2 ser, 25/30 POA
EAH100 G79971 Lever, servo actuating, with integral thrust track, Phantom 3 £67.50
EAH110 G83176 Bracket, servo bridge, Phantom 3 POA
EAN020 K104 Bolt, retaining support bearing in servo bridge plate, Wraith POA
EAN050 GW1025 Friction plate, servo drum, Wraith £118.50
EAN060 GW1151A Drive spindle and drum driven plate: Wraith £138.00
EAN070 GW2248 Pin, fulcrum, on servo balance lever: Wraith C-series on £18.50
EAN210 GW1149 Worm wheel, servo: Wraith £125.00
EAR010 G55363 Bush casting, servo bridge plate, 20/25 £126.00
EAR050 GW2148 Servo lining, Wraith £60.00

Part Usage: Listed by Chassis Series

Lookup Chassis Code

The table shows a filtered list of the parts required for section ‘EA: Brake servo’ on a Bentley 3½ L: A series, with quantities if known.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description QTY Unit Price
EA010 Bearing, servo driving flange 1 £162.00
EA030 G55679 Friction lining, stapled 2 £43.00
EA060 G54240 Staple for Servo Lining, small horsepower & P2 12 £1.30
EA090 G76782 Lining, servo balance lever, upper, 20/25, 30, Bentley (not M-series) 1 £26.00
EA160 G53180/pc223 Leaf spring, servo spindle, small horsepower and Phantom 4 £21.50
EA180 G56070 Bush, servo bridge plate, Bentley 3 1/2 to end of D series and 20/25 1 £126.00
EA185 G54029 Bolt, servo bridge bearing 1 POA
EA190 G52156 Bolt, tapered, ret. bearing in servo drum, 20/25 to H2, Bentley to series D 6 £7.00
EAB020 G52183 Bolt, ret. bronze bearing, servo bridge plate, 20hp, 20/25 to end H2 & 3 1/2L 3 POA
QTW150 G77672 LTW, gearbox brake cross-shaft 1 £5.90