Brake ropes

The brake ropes are an important element of the braking system on pre-war Rolls-Royce and Derby Bentley chassis. They should not be kinked or distorted, and should be inspected routinely and regularly for broken strands. They may also have stretched over many years of use. These are all reasons for renewing a brake cable.

Full Parts Catalogue

The table contains an unfiltered list of all parts listed for the section 'EB: Brake equaliser shafts'.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description Unit Price
EB010 G56504 Spherical bearing - outer £44.50
EB020 GB1114 Spherical bearing - centre £44.50
EB060 Brake rope front, Bentley. 43.85" POA
EB070 Brake rope rear, Bentley. 24.00" POA
EB090 G73522 Cover, gear-box undertray to brakerope, Bentley, 20/25 & 25/30 £27.80
EB100 Bush, front brake rope clevis eye, front end £8.00
EB110 Bush, front brake rope clevis eye, rear end £5.70
EBC050 Brake rope front, Springfield Phantom 1, 61.25" POA
EBC051 Brake rope rear, Springfield Phantom 1, 47.5" POA
EBE020 G53074 Fork end, brake rope front, 20/25 and 25/30 £61.00
EBE064 G53714 Brake rope, rear foot, 20/25, short chassis to GLR26. 62.375" long POA
EBE065 G76647 Brake rope, rear hand, 20/25, short chassis to GLR26. 56.55" long POA
EBE066 G53851 Brake rope, rear foot, 20/25, long chassis, to GBT21. 65.375" long POA
EBE067 G53850 Brake rope, rear hand, 20/25, long chassis, to GBT21. 59.55" long POA
EBE068 G54360 Brake rope, rear foot, 20/25, GBT22 - GBT45. 52.375" long POA
EBE069 G54539 Brake rope, rear hand, 20/25, GBT22 - GBT45. 46.500" long POA
EBE070 G55205 Brake rope, rear foot, 20/25, GBT46 - GKT15. 55.85" long POA
EBE071 G55207 Brake rope, rear foot, 20/25, GBT46 - GKT15. ......" long POA
EBE074 G56095 Brake rope, rear foot and hand, 20/25 H2 on, 25/30. 21.20" long POA
EBE100 G56543 Spherical bearing, centre foot brake equaliser, 20/25 F2 on and 25/30 £50.00
EBE110 G56545 Spherical bearing, end support brake equaliser shafts, 20/25 F2 on and 25/30 £50.00
EBE120 G56544 Cup, ret. spherical bearing, centre brake equaliser shaft 20/25 F2 on and 25/30 £37.50
EBE130 G56546 Cup, ret. spherical bearing, end of brake equaliser shaft 20/25 F2 on and 25/30 £37.50
EBE131 G56545 Sph'l bush, equaliser shaft mounting, 20/25 & 30, undersize bore £42.00
EBH010 GB1391 Threaded socket, adjustable, brake rope rear axle, Phantom 3 POA
EBH020 G83898 Fork end, brake rope rear axle, Phantom 3 £64.00
EBH030 G82146 Fork end, brake rope front end, front axle, Phantom 3 POA
EBH050 G84531 Brake rope, foot brake equaliser, rear axle, Phantom 3 POA
EBH060 G84532 Brake rope, foot brake equaliser, rear axle, Phantom 3 POA
EBH070 G84533 Brake rope, hand brake equaliser, rear axle, Phantom 3, 19.35" long POA
EBH080 G84534 Brake rope, hand brake equaliser, rear axle, Phantom 3, 30.65" long POA
EBH090 G84572 Brake rope, intermed. lever to hand brake equaliser, Phantom 3, 23.825" long POA
EBH100 G84819 Brake rope, intermed. lever to foot brake equaliser, Phantom 3 POA
EBH110 G83014 Brake rope, intermed. lever to front brake equaliser, Phantom 3 POA
EBR090 G72840 Cover, leather, brake rope cone, 20hp, P1, Phantom 2 £33.25

Part Usage: Listed by Chassis Series

Lookup Chassis Code

The table shows a filtered list of the parts required for section ‘EB: Brake equaliser shafts’ on a Rolls-Royce Phantom 1: E2B series, with quantities if known.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description QTY Unit Price
EBR090 G72840 Cover, leather, brake rope cone, 20hp, P1, Phantom 2 2 £33.25