Please read the notes about the fitting of replacement bearing shells on pre-war engines.

Full Parts Catalogue

The table contains an unfiltered list of all parts listed for the section 'GC: Crankshaft assembly and conrods'.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description Unit Price
GC010 E55365 Cap, aluminium, crankshaft oil way £14.00
GC020 EB1030 Stud, crankshaft balance weight £32.50
GC030 Dowel - crank balance weight POA
GC040 GB744 Flywheel bolt; 3 1/2L to end of DK series, 20/25 GLG1 to GTK41 £9.50
GC041 Flywheel bolt, 3 1/2L,+0.010" on diameter £14.00
GC050 G56648 Flywheel bolt - 3 1/2L, from 2EF £10.00
GC060 Flywheel bolt - 4 1/4 L, 25/30hp £9.00
GC061 Flywheel bolt, 4 1/4 L,+0.010" on diameter £9.00
GC070 E57272 Stud, big-end oil way, Bentley & 20/25 GKT21 on £19.00
GC080 Stud assembly, 1 main bearing oil way £123.50
GC090 E50088 Stud, 2,3,5,6 M/B oil way, Bentley & 20hp, 20/25 & 30 £19.50
GC100 E50089 Stud, 4 main bearing oil way, Bentley & 20hp, 20/25 & 30 £30.50
GC110 E50516 Stud, 7 main bearing oil way, 3 1/2L, 20hp and 20/25 £21.00
GC120 Stud, 7 main bearing oil way, 4 1/4L and 25/30 £23.50
GC125 E60896 Bung, tapered steel, rear MB, 4 1/4L & 25/30 £31.50
GC135 Big end bearings - engine set £1065.50
GC140 E55612/R3293 Shim - big end 3 1/2L £20.50
GC150 E55610 Bolt - big end 3 1/2L, 20/25 GKT22 on £26.50
GC160 EB2688 Shim - big end 4 1/4L £20.50
GC161 Shim, 4 1/4L bigend, oversize on thickness £28.00
GC170 EB2701NF Bolt - big end 4 1/4L £29.00
GC180 E51375 Bush, small end, all small horsepower £14.00
GC181 Bush, small end, + 0.010 oversize on OD £34.00
GC182 R2510 Bush, small end, + 0.003 oversize on OD £33.50
GC195 Oil pipe, connecting rod, bigend to small end: Bentley 3 1/2L &20/25 85 in A2 on POA
GC240 Split pin, bigend nut, Bentley, 20/25,30 etc; RR style £0.25
GCA005 /se074 Fibre washers, set of 46 for crankshaft plugs, Silver Ghost to series G £37.50
GCA006 Fibre washers, set of 22 for crankshaft plugs, Silver Ghost series J on £16.00
GCA010 Big end bearing shell & shim engine set, Silver Ghost £1863.00
GCA090 U302/SE241 Bolt, big end, Silver Ghost series 1909 - G £38.50
GCA091 E3734 Bolt, big end, Silver Ghost series H POA
GCA092 E17686 Bolt, big end, Silver Ghost series J on POA
GCA095 U301 Bush, little end, Silver Ghost to end of series G £40.50
GCA096 E4169 Bush, little end, Silver Ghost series H POA
GCA100 E17756/SE237 Bush, little end, interference fit, Silver Ghost series J on £24.50
GCA105 E17756/se140 Bush, little end, fully floating, Silver Ghost £31.00
GCA130 K1207/SE068 Bolt, crankshaft to flywheel, Silver Ghost £15.00
GCB050 E51987 Bung, tapered, rear main bearing, 20hp £41.00
GCC010 Big end bearing shell & shim engine set, P1, & P2 up to N2 £1908.00
GCC020 E76647/9 Shim, bigend, Phantom 1 & Phantom 2, up to N2 £24.50
GCC030 E70420/pe083 Bolt, bigend, Phantom 1 V - Y series £45.50
GCC050 E72004/PE058 Bush, little end; Phantom 1 and Phantom 2 £35.50
GCC060 E18933/PE173 Clip, little end lubrication pipe, P1 & P2 £5.80
GCC070 E70259/PE123 Plug, aluminium, bigend crank pin, P1 and P2 part J2 - M2 £33.50
GCC080 E70258/pe124 Plug, aluminium, main bearing, Phantom 1 and Phantom 2 £31.50
GCC090 E70265 Stud (+ peened nut) big end journal oilway, crankshaft, P2 to early J2 £17.50
GCC100 G70265/pe049 Bolt, flywheel to crankshaft, Phantom 1 to end of series B2 £25.00
GCC110 E72352 Sud, oil cap, number 7 M/B, Phantom 1 to end of W series POA
GCC115 E74284 Sud, oil cap, number 7 M/B, Phantom 1 X series on POA
GCD010 Big end bearing shell & shim engine set; Phantom 2, series O2 on £1990.00
GCD060 E73776/pe083 Bolt, bigend, Phantom 1 A2 on and Phantom 2 to N2 £60.00
GCD065 E79362 Bolt, bigend, Phantom 2, O2 on £51.50
GCD070 G75018/pe312 Bolt, flywheel to crankshaft, Phantom 1 C2A series on, Phantom 2 £21.50
GCD070A Bolt, flywheel to crankshaft, Phantom 1 C2A series on, Phantom 2, 1 1/2"oversize POA
GCD120 E76867 Stud, 1 M/B oilway, crankshaft, Phantom 2 to end of N2 series £30.00
GCD125 E83966 Stud, 1 M/B oilway, crankshaft, Phantom 2, O2 series on £38.00
GCD130 E70263 Stud, 4 M/B oilway, crankshaft, Phantom 2 £46.00
GCD140 E76534 Stud, 7 M/B oilway, crankshaft, Phantom 2 £35.00
GCD150 E70264 Stud, 2, 3 , 5 & 6 M/B oilway, crankshaft, Phantom 2 £46.00
GCD160 E78442 Stud, big end journal oilway, crankshaft, Phantom 2 to early J2 £46.00
GCD165 E79338 Stud, big end journal oilway, crankshaft, Phantom 2, early J2 - N2 £46.00
GCD166 E82139 Stud, big end journal oilway, crankshaft, Phantom 2, O2 on £46.00
GCD180 E83528 Stud, long, crank balance weight, Phantom 2 O2 - P2 series POA
GCD190 E82569 Stud, short, crank balance weight, Phantom 2 O2 - P2 series POA
GCD200 E83940 Stud, crank balance weight, Phantom 2 R2 series POA
GCD210 E84536 Stud, crank balance weight, Phantom 2 S2 series on POA
GCH010 E84494 Bush, small end, Phantom 3 connecting rods POA
GCR010 E50081 Cap, aluminium, 20 hp main bearing journal £36.50
GCR013 E51079 Cap, aluminium, 20 hp 1 main bearing journal £43.00
GCR014 E55366 Cap, number 1 M/B, 20/25 to GKT21 £22.50
GCR015 E50082 Cap, aluminium, 20hp big end journal £36.50
GCR016 E50083 Cap, steel, 20hp big end journal £36.50
GCR017 E55132 Cap, steel, bigend oil gallery, 20/25 to GKT21 POA
GCR018 E55367 Cap, aluminium, big end journal, 20/25 to GKT21 £17.50
GCR020 E57273 Cap, aluminium, 20/25 big end crank journal, GKT22 -GXB25 £11.00
GCR025 RE14143/EB3198 Cap, aluminium, big end journal, Wraith £38.50
GCR026 EB3197 Crank bung, main bearing, Wraith POA
GCR030 E50759 Bolt, 20 hp bigend, tapered shank £50.50
GCR031 E53789 Bolt, bigend, with tapered shank, 20hp J-series on £53.50
GCR032 E54647 Bolt, bigend, 20/25 to GKT21 £38.50
GCR034 G50255 Bolt, flywheel, 20HP to end series J £13.50
GCR035 G53086 Bolt, flywheel, 20 hp series K on & 20/25 to end of A2 series £12.00
GCR035A Bolt, oversize, flywheel, 20 hp ser K on & 20/25 to end of A2, 0.381" diam £21.00
GCR036 G56051 Bolt, flywheel, 20/25, GXB1 - GXB26 #Use GCR035# POA
GCR037 G56374 Bolt, flywheel, 20/25, GXB27 - GUB42, GRC19 - end GRF #Use GCR035# POA
GCR038 G56536 Bolt, flywheel, 20/25, GUB43 - GRC18 £21.00
GCR040 E53788/E54103 Shim, bigend, 20hp J-series - end £25.00
GCR041 Shim, bigend, 20hp J-series - end, oversize on thickness £25.00
GCR042 E52601 Shim, bigend, 20hp C - H series £23.38
GCR055 E54165/R3284 Big end bearing set, 20hp J-series to end, 1.500" nominal bore £887.50
GCR070 E50090 Screw, through bigend oilcaps, 20hp to end of L-series £23.00
GCR075 E54742 Screw, through bigend oilcaps, 20hp M-series to end £24.50
GCR080 E55131 Screw, through bigend oilcaps, 20/25 to GKT21 £38.00
GCR100 Big end bearing set, 20/25, GXO11 to GKT21 £1081.50
GCR100A Big end bearing set, 20/25, GXO11 to GKT21, without external oil groove £916.50
GCR110 R3292/E55117 Shim, bigend, 20/25, GXO11-GKT21 £22.00
GCR111 Shim, bigend, 20/25, GXO11-GKT21, O/S +0.050" £31.50
GCR120 E57286 Stud, large, balance weight, 20/25 crankshaft to GXB26 £29.00
GCR125 E57676 Stud, small, balance weight, 20/25 crankshaft to GXB26 £29.00
GCR130 EW1465 Stud, crankshaft balance weight, Wraith £27.00
GCR135 GW1752 Bolt, flywheel, Wraith POA
GCR200 E84687 Bolt, bigend, Phantom 3, fork rod. £50.00
GCR201 E84688 Nut, bigend bolt, fork rod P3 £7.00
GCR205 E87846 Bolt, bigend, Phantom 3 blade rod £45.50
GCR206 E84404 Nut, bigend bolt, blade rod P3 £11.00
GCR212HD Shell bearing, thin wall, P3 fork rod ;0.25mm undersize, heavy duty. Per pair. £72.00
GCR222 Shell bearing, thin wall, P3 blade rod £60.00
GCR236 Bearing block assembly, fork rod Phantom 3 £980.00

Part Usage: Listed by Chassis Series

Lookup Chassis Code

The table shows a filtered list of the parts required for section ‘GC: Crankshaft assembly and conrods’ on a Rolls-Royce Phantom 3: A1 series, with quantities if known.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description QTY Unit Price
GCR200 E84687 Bolt, bigend, Phantom 3, fork rod. 24 £50.00
GCR201 E84688 Nut, bigend bolt, fork rod P3 24 £7.00
GCR205 E87846 Bolt, bigend, Phantom 3 blade rod 12 £45.50
GCR206 E84404 Nut, bigend bolt, blade rod P3 12 £11.00
GCR236 Bearing block assembly, fork rod Phantom 3 6 £980.00