Full Parts Catalogue

The table contains an unfiltered list of all parts listed for the section 'GK: Fan'.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description Unit Price
GK040 Bearing, fan, front £20.00
GK050 Bearing, fan, rear £27.50
GK060 E52115 Bush, fanbelt adjuster £27.50
GK080 E52867 Nut, adjusting, fanbelt £51.50
GK090 E52868 Spacer, fanbelt adjusting nut £5.20
GK100 E82866 Nut, locking, fanbelt adjuster £25.50
GK130 EB221 Fanbelt, all small horsepower except Wraith £17.00
GKA005 E4391 Fan blade, not reinforced, early Silver Ghost POA
GKA010 E21140a/SE101 Fan blade, reinforced, Silver Ghost £43.00
GKA020 Fanbelt, linked, Silver Ghost POA
GKA040 Bearing, fan, Silver Ghost £71.50
GKA050 Bearing, fan, Silver Ghost £53.00
GKB020 E51093 Washer, fibre, fan hub, 20hp and 20/25 POA
GKC010 E74487/PE237 Fan blade, Phantom 1 all series and Phantom 2 £21.00
GKC020 E71102/pe132 Felt seal, fan rotor, Phantom 1 all series and Phantom 2 £4.00
GKC030 Bearing, front, fan, Phantom 1 £27.50
GKC035 Bearing, rear, fan, Phantom 1 £40.50
GKC050 E71109 Bush, fan adjuster, Phantom 1 and 2 £33.18
GKC060 Fanbelt, Phantom 1 all chassis POA
GKC080 E71100 Gasket, fan hub rear, Phantom 1 and Phantom 2 POA
GKC090 E71101 Gasket, fan hub front, Phantom 1 and Phantom 2 POA
GKC100 E71179 Plug, centre of fan spindle, Phantom 1 V on, Phantom 2 POA
GKD010 Fanbelt, Phantom 2 £25.00
GKD020 Bearing, front, fan, Phantom 2 £40.50
GKD030 Bearing, rear, fan, Phantom 2 £27.50
GKR010 Fanbelt, Wraith £23.00

Part Usage: Listed by Chassis Series

Lookup Chassis Code

The table shows a filtered list of the parts required for section ‘GK: Fan’ on a Rolls-Royce 20/25: TB series to GKT21, with quantities if known.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description QTY Unit Price
GK040 Bearing, fan, front 1 £20.00
GK050 Bearing, fan, rear 1 £27.50
GK060 E52115 Bush, fanbelt adjuster 2 £27.50
GK080 E52867 Nut, adjusting, fanbelt 1 £51.50
GK090 E52868 Spacer, fanbelt adjusting nut 1 £5.20
GK100 E82866 Nut, locking, fanbelt adjuster 1 £25.50
GK130 EB221 Fanbelt, all small horsepower except Wraith 1 £17.00