A note on front axle kingpins

The majority of pre-war front axles made by Rolls-Royce have kingpins that are manufactured with a very slow taper - 1 in 200 on diameter - that engage in a similarly tapered hole in the eye of the axle beam. The fit of the pin in the eye is critical, and must be an interference fit. Without this the pin will become loose in the eye. In this eventuality the eye of the axle beam will have to be opened up with a special tapered reamer and a pin with an oversize taper selected to give the correct fit.

When fitted, the kingpin must be tight in the taper. As a guide the shoulder on the pin adjacent to the larger end of the taper should be between 0.100" and 0.125" clear of the face of the axle beam when pushed in to the axle eye by hand for a Rolls-Royce. In the case of a Derby Bentley this clearance should be 0.150" - 0.175", allowing for the thickness of the lower dust cover. When finally fitted the pin should be tapped home using a soft (aluminium) drift and hammer. In the case of pins with a flange on the lower end be careful not to hit on the flange; it will crack.

Full Parts Catalogue

The table contains an unfiltered list of all parts listed for the section 'CA: Axle beam and stub axles'.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description Unit Price
CA010 Brake cross shaft, front axle £190.00
CA017A GB1255 Lever, brake shaft, outer O/S, complete with brake ball pin, Bentley £62.00
CA020 GB1323 Bush N/S brake cross-shaft, + 0.002" OD £74.50
CA021 Bush N/S brake cross-shaft, +0.007" OD £74.50
CA022 Bush N/S brake cross-shaft, +0.012" OD £64.00
CA025 GB1322 Bush O/S brake cross-shaft, +0.002" OD £74.50
CA026 Bush O/S brake cross-shaft, +0.007" OD £75.50
CA027 Bush O/S brake cross-shaft, +0.012" OD £64.00
CA030 G101162 Inboard bush, brake cross-shaft £20.00
CA040 GB1188/GB1321 Return spring N/S for CA010 £64.50
CA050 GB1187/GB1320 Return spring O/S for CA010 £64.50
CA060 Anchor pin for return springs £11.00
CA070 GB1470 King pin, Bentley, A & B series £245.50
CA075 GB1465 King pin, Bentley, C series on £198.50
CA075A G100371 King pin Brass taper insert £2.00
CA077 King pin, Bentley, C series on, first over size £269.50
CA078 King pin, Bentley, C series on, second over size £269.50
CA078A King pin, C series on, third over size £269.50
CA078B King pin, C series on, fourth over size £269.50
CA080 Top bearing, king pin, A,B Series £259.00
CA085 Top Bearing, king pin C Series On £259.00
CA090 G100382 Bush, king pin, Bentley all chassis £85.00
CA096 Bush, king pin, 0.010 Undersize £111.50
CA097 Bush, king pin, 0.020 Undersize £111.50
CA100 G100369 Thrust washer, king pin lower £22.50
CA120 E26414 Locating screw, king pin £13.00
CA130 G100380 Screw, king pin top plug £12.50
CA140 Shroud,king pin top bearing, A & B series £10.50
CA145 GB1468/R7234 Shroud, king pin top bearing C ser.on £10.00
CA150 G100368 Bottom dust cover, king pin, A & B series £15.00
CA155 GB845 Bottom dust cover, king pin, C-series on £20.00
CA160 G100689 Standpipe, King pin lower cover £14.00
CA162 Standpipe and bolt assembly £61.00
CA166 GB1883 Stub axle n/s, C series on LH £625.00
CA170 G100685 Nut, stub axle N/S, left hand thread £29.00
CA180 Washer, under stub axle nut £12.00
CA185:1 GB1927 Stub axle o/s, A & B series RH, for later replacements £560.00
CA186 GB1882 Stub axle o/s, C series on RH £560.00
CA190 G100684 Nut, stub axle O/S, right hand thread £29.00
CA200 GB1229 Stud, king pin lower thrust cover, Bentley C-series on £16.50
CA201 GB783 Stud, king pin lower thrust cover, early £14.00
CA205 G100761 Stud, king pin top bearing £5.10
CA210 GB1884 Spacer collar, hub inner bearing location £25.50
CA220 Bolt, long, steering arm £77.50
CA221 Bolt, long, steering arm, oversize £77.50
CA230 Bolt, short, steering arm £74.00
CA231 Bolt, short, steering arm, oversize £94.00
CAA030 C448/F7425sc212 King pin, Silver Ghost series 1100 - G £148.00
CAA035 F4109/SC189 King pin, Silver Ghost H - part O £382.50
CAA040 F9107 King pin, Silver Ghost, part O and P series £316.00
CAA040:1 King pin, Silver Ghost, part O and P series, 0.005" oversize £248.50
CAA040:2 King pin, Silver Ghost, part O and P series, 0.010" oversize £248.50
CAA045 F9845 King pin, Silver Ghost, R - U series, brakeless front axle POA
CAA045:1 King pin, Silver Ghost, R - U series, brakeless front axle 0.005"o/size on taper £248.50
CAA045:2 King pin, Silver Ghost, R - U series, brakeless front axle 0.010"o/size on taper £248.50
CAA050 G72796 King pin, Silver Ghost, R - U series with FWB, and P1 series V&W: oversize POA
CAA051 G70009 King pin, Silver Ghost, R - U series with FWB, and P1 series V&W standard £228.50
CAA055 S64/SC018 Nut, king pin, Silver Ghost 1100 - P £37.50
CAA060 C441/F6975sc113 Top bush, with ball track, king pin Silver Ghost series 1100 to P £372.00
CAA070 C440/F6974 Thrust washer with ball track, Silver Ghost 1100 on and Phantom 1 V&W series £91.00
CAA070:1 Thrust washer with ball track, oversize on thickness £51.00
CAA075 F8901/sc017 Thrust washer, bronze, king pin Silver Ghost 1100 - P £25.50
CAA080 F10364 Thrust washer, bronze, king pin Silver Ghost ser R-U with FWB, & P1 ser V & W £68.00
CAA090 F8903/SC185 Top bush, king pin, plain thrust, Silver Ghost J - F £248.50
CAA100 F8902/SC186 Thrust washer,upper, plain, king pin Silver Ghost J - U, P1 V & W £47.50
CAA105 F9846 Bush, upper, O/S king pin, Silver Ghost ser R - U without FWB POA
CAA106 F9859 Bush, upper, N/S king pin, Silver Ghost ser R - U without FWB POA
CAA110 G72398 Bush, upper, O/S king pin, Silver Ghost ser R - U, & P1 ser V & W £233.00
CAA115 G70011 Bush, upper, N/S king pin, Silver Ghost ser R - U, & P1 ser V & W £369.00
CAA140 F6978/SC188 Bush, lower, king pin Silver Ghost A - R, without FWB £85.00
CAA150 G70018 Bush, lower, king pin Silver Ghost R - U with FWB, P1 ser V & W £113.50
CAA160 G72466 Spring, torsion, front axle brake X-shaft O/S, Silver Ghost & P1 to series B2 POA
CAA170 G72467 Spring, torsion, front axle brake X-shaft N/S, Silver Ghost & P1 to series B2 POA
CAB130 F51887 Bush, king pin upper, with internal splines, 20hp £172.00
CAB190 G51760 Bolt, steering arm to stub axle, 20hp GPK 30 on, 20/25 & 25/30 POA
CAB195 Nut, castle, steering arm to stub axle bolt, 20hp GPK 30 on, 20/25 & 25/30 POA
CAB200 G53571 Stub axle, O/S, 20hp GEN1 on, to 20/25 GBT21 £560.00
CAB210 F50178 Cap, kingpin, 20hp A series only £52.50
CAC030 G73329 King pin, Phantom 1, X - B2 series POA
CAC035 G74247 King pin, Phantom 1, C2 - H2 (all Derby cars, some Springfield) £344.00
CAC036 King pin, Springfield Phantom 1, late chassis £360.50
CAC037 King pin, Phantom 1 C2 - H2, with oversize taper £360.00
CAC040 G74215 Washer, thrust, king pin, Phantom 1 C2 onwards and Phantom 2 £24.00
CAC045 G74212 Nut, king pin, Phantom 1 C2 onwards and Phantom 2 POA
CAC060 G73432 Bush, lower, king pin, Phantom 1 series X POA
CAC080 G73333 Bush, upper, king pin, Phantom 1 series X POA
CAC085 G73339 Bush, upper, king pin, Phantom 1 series X POA
CAC090 Bearing, upper, king pin, Phantom 1 (17) £102.00
CAC100 G74217/pc103 Washer, felt, under king pin top bearing, Phantom 1 £4.40
CAC105 G75333 Screw, locating king pin, P1 to 75EF POA
CAC110 G75325 Screw, locating king pin, P1 76EF on, P2 £7.00
CAC160 /pc140 Spring, torsion, brake cross-shaft, within axle beam, late Phantom 1 £10.50
CAC170 G74278 Bush, outboard O/S, brake cross-shaft, Phantom 1 series C2A - D2 £55.00
CAC175 G75033 Bush, outboard O/S, brake cross-shaft, Phantom 1 series E2 on £68.00
CAC180 G74279 Bush, outboard N/S, brake cross-shaft, Phantom 1 series C2A - D2 £55.00
CAC185 G75034 Bush, outboard N/S, brake cross-shaft, Phantom 1 series E2 on £68.00
CAC190 G74868 Bush, inboard, brake cross-shaft, Phantom 1 series C2A on £15.50
CAC195 G75537 Spring, pull-off, brake cross-shaft O/S, Phantom 1 C2 - D2 POA
CAC200 G75535 Spring, pull-off, brake cross-shaft O/S, Phantom 1 E2 - H2B POA
CAC205 G75538 Spring, pull-off, brake cross-shaft N/S, Phantom 1 C2 - D2 POA
CAC210 G75536 Spring, pull-off, brake cross-shaft N/S, Phantom 1 E2 - H2B POA
CAC300 G74266 Stub axle, O/S, Phantom 1 C2 - G2A, axles fitted with wire wheels £688.00
CAC301 G74267 Stub axle, N/S, Phantom 1 C2 - G2A £688.00
CAC310 Stub axle, N/S, Phantom 1 mid - late series chassis £688.00
CAC315 Stub axle, N/S, Phantom 1, late series chassis £688.00
CAD030 G77504/pc288 King pin, Phantom 2, series J2 - M2 £336.00
CAD031 G77504/pc288 Plug, top of CAD030 king pin, Phantom 2, series J2 - M2 £4.30
CAD040 G78429/pc289 King pin, Phantom 2, series N2 on £336.00
CAD041 G78876 Plug, tapered, king pin, Phantom 2, series N2 on £11.50
CAD045 G78417 Screwed plug, top of king pin, Phantom 2, series N2 on POA
CAD050 G74245/pc284 Bush, lower, king pin, Phantom 1 series C2A on and Phantom 2 £109.50
CAD061 G77242 Bearing, inner, king pin top bearing, Phantom 2 £86.00
CAD062 G77239 Inner spacer sleeve, upper king pin bearing, Phantom 2 £102.00
CAD065 Bearing, upper, king pin, Phantom 2 £361.00
CAD070 G75914 Standpipe, king pin lubrication, Phantom 2 to end of series M2 POA
CAD075 G78418 Standpipe, king pin lubrication, Phantom 2 series N2 on POA
CAD100 G77401 Spring, front axle brake cross-shaft, O/S, Phantom 2 POA
CAD110 G77402 Spring, front axle brake cross-shaft, N/S, Phantom 2 POA
CAD120 G77407 Brake cross shaft, O/S, Phantom 2 £298.50
CAD130 G77408 Brake cross shaft, N/S, Phantom 2 £298.50
CAD140 G77403 Bush, outer, brake cross shaft, O/S, Phantom 2 £132.00
CAD150 G77404 Bush, outer, brake cross shaft, N/S, Phantom 2 £132.00
CAD160 Bush, inner, brake cross shaft, Phantom 2 to end of N2 series £15.50
CAD200 G77093 Stub axle, N/S, Phantom 2 £688.00
CAE090:105 G52271 Washer, steel adjusting, under top cap of kingpin assy, 0.105", 20/25 and 25/30 POA
CAE090:115 G52272 Washer, steel adjusting, under top cap of kingpin assy, 0.115", 20/25 and 25/30 POA
CAE090:125 G52273 Washer, steel adjusting, under top cap of kingpin assy, 0.125", 20/25 and 25/30 POA
CAE090:135 G52274 Washer, steel adjusting, under top cap of kingpin assy, 0.135", 20/25 and 25/30 £3.22
CAE090:145 G52275 Washer, steel adjusting, under top cap of kingpin assy, 0.145", 20/25 and 25/30 £3.22
CAE200 G53844 Steering arm, O/S, 20/25 R series on, 25/30 £407.00
CAE210 G53845 Steering arm, N/S, 20/25 R series on, 25/30 £298.50
CAE220 G53571 Stub axle, O/S, 20/25 to end of GXO series £560.00
CAE225 G56967 Stub axle, O/S, 20/25 GBJ15 on, 25/30 £888.50
CAE235 G56968 Stub axle, N/S, 20/25 GBJ15 on, 25/30 £783.50
CAH040 Dished ballrace housing, king pin, Phantom 3 £101.50
CAH050 G84408 Felt washer, upper king pin bearing, Phantom 3 POA
CAH055 G84405 Plate, supporting felt washer, upper king pin bearing, Phantom 3 £5.50
CAH100 G84413 Stub axle, N/S, Phantom 3 £656.00
CAN010 GW1492 Stub axle, O/S, Wraith £560.00
CAN020 GW1493 Stub axle, N/S, Wraith £560.00
CAR005 G52478 Brake cross shaft, front axle, 20hp £242.00
CAR010 G53560A Brake cross shaft N/S, 20/25 & 25/30 £263.00
CAR015 G53559A Brake cross shaft O/S, 20/25 & 25/30 £247.50
CAR020 G54593 Bush, outer, brake cross shaft, 20/25 & 25/30 £44.00
CAR025 G51788 Bush, outer, brake cross shaft 20hp £33.50
CAR030 G53541 Bush, inner, brake cross shaft 20/25 & 25/30 £35.00
CAR035 G51789 Bush, inner, brake cross shaft 20hp £24.50
CAR040 G51779 Spring, cross shaft return N/S, 20, 20/25 & 25/30 £98.00
CAR045 G51778 Spring, cross shaft return O/S, 20, 20/25 & 25/30 £98.00
CAR064 F51888 King pin, 20hp B series to 29 in F £287.00
CAR065 F50913 King pin, 20hp A series only £300.50
CAR066 G53065A King pin, 20hp J series on £240.00
CAR066A King pin, 20hp, oversize on taper £240.00
CAR068 G53555 King pin, early 20/25 to GBT21 £239.50
CAR070 R7271/G56076 King pin, 20/25 GBT22 on & 25/30 £243.73
CAR073 G54291 Screw, blanking, top of king pin, 20/25 GBT on POA
CAR075 GW1962 King pin, Wraith £271.00
CAR076 GW1809 Bearing, top, king pin, Wraith £212.00
CAR077 GW1807 Race, outer, upper king pin bearing, Wraith £29.00
CAR077A GW1808 Race, inner, upper king pin bearing, Wraith POA
CAR080 Bearing, top, king pin, 20hp, 20/25 & 25/30 £202.00
CAR080A Bearing, top, king pin, 20hp, 20/25 & 25/30 £202.00
CAR090 G53288 Bush, king pin lower, 20hp GYL35 on, 20/25, 25/30 £99.00
CAR095 F50915 Bush, king pin lower, early 20hp £43.50
CAR096 G53013 Bush, king pin lower, late 20hp £102.50
CAR099 RF8366 Bearing, lower, Wraith king pin (inc. rollers) £290.00
CAR100 G57214 Thrust washer, king pin, 20/25 GAE on and 25/30 £30.00
CAR105 G51848 Thrust washer, king pin 20hp 31 in F on, 20/25 to end of GYD £34.00
CAR105:1 F51893 Thrust washer, king pin, early 20/25, early 20hp upper £34.00
CAR106 GW399 Thrust washer, king pin, Wraith £40.50
CAR110 G51744 Carrier, king pin felt, 20/25 & 25/30 £32.00
CAR125 F51890 Friction washer, early 20hp, externally splined £28.00
CAR140 G51733 Felt seal, 20, 20/25, 25/30 king pin £3.70
CAR141 GB2329 Felt seal, Wraith king pin, lower bearing £5.80
CAR142 Carrier, felt seal, Wraith king pin, above lower bearing £17.00
CAR150 G53542 Standpipe, king pin, 20/25 to GBT21 £15.00
CAR155 G54292 Standpipe, king pin, 20/25, GBT22 on £16.50
CAR160 GW1444 Standpipe, king pin, Wraith £10.50
CAR162 Standpipe and bolt assembly, Wraith £61.00
CAR170 F52122 Stub axle castle nut, N/S, 20hp & 20/25 POA
CAR175 F52123 Stub axle castle nut, O/S, 20hp & 20/25 POA
CAR200 G73225 Leather cover, front axle torsion spring, S Ghost with FWB & P1 to end of B2 ser £88.29

Part Usage: Listed by Chassis Series

Lookup Chassis Code

The table shows a filtered list of the parts required for section ‘CA: Axle beam and stub axles’ on a Rolls-Royce 20hp: G series, with quantities if known.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description QTY Unit Price
CAR005 G52478 Brake cross shaft, front axle, 20hp 2 £242.00
CAR025 G51788 Bush, outer, brake cross shaft 20hp 2 £33.50
CAR035 G51789 Bush, inner, brake cross shaft 20hp 2 £24.50
CAR040 G51779 Spring, cross shaft return N/S, 20, 20/25 & 25/30 1 £98.00
CAR045 G51778 Spring, cross shaft return O/S, 20, 20/25 & 25/30 1 £98.00
CAR080 Bearing, top, king pin, 20hp, 20/25 & 25/30 2 £202.00
CAR090 G53288 Bush, king pin lower, 20hp GYL35 on, 20/25, 25/30 2 £99.00
CAR105 G51848 Thrust washer, king pin 20hp 31 in F on, 20/25 to end of GYD 2 £34.00
CAR110 G51744 Carrier, king pin felt, 20/25 & 25/30 2 £32.00
CAR140 G51733 Felt seal, 20, 20/25, 25/30 king pin 2 £3.70
CAR170 F52122 Stub axle castle nut, N/S, 20hp & 20/25 1 POA
CAR175 F52123 Stub axle castle nut, O/S, 20hp & 20/25 1 POA