Full Parts Catalogue

The table contains an unfiltered list of all parts listed for the section 'LB: Ignition system'.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description Unit Price
LB010 D72503 Coil, side entry £724.00
LB010A Terminal nut, knurled, 3BA, side entry coil. £14.50
LB010R Coil, side entry. Customer supplied, rewound and overhauled. POA
LB011 Cap, side entry coil £81.00
LB012 Knob, retaining coil cap £52.00
LB012A Neoprene seal for knob which retains coil cap £2.00
LB013 Screw, side of coil £69.00
LB020 Bearing - distributor £20.00
LB025 D50056 Screw, side of distributor tower, retaining upper section POA
LB026 D50531 Threaded plate for LB025 screw, retaining upper section of distributor POA
LB030 E50798 Fibre washer, distributor base £3.40
LB040 K4713 Split taper pin, distributor drive £5.80
LB041 E50774 Gasket, base of distributor tower £3.50
LB050 D74176A/71501A Contact breaker points - set (Not early 20HP) £60.00
LB051 D71430 Spring, contact breaker £2.60
LB055 Stirrup link, anchorage, contact breaker spring POA
LB060 R7274/D54828A Rotor arm £53.50
LB061 D54829 Blade, distributor rotor arm £6.00
LB067 SE195 Spring/carbon contact (set), small HP, S.Ghost S - U, P1 & P2 £15.50
LB092B Condenser, Replacement £22.50
LB095 D71005/R7273? Distributor cap, with central HT feed, Bentley 3 1/2L to end of CR ser, P1 & P2 £205.00
LB100 D51470 Distributor cap (incl carbon contact), with socket for side entry HT connection £205.00
LB105 D50942 Screwed knob, centre of distributor cap £36.50
LB106 D51222 Spring, below central knob, distributor cap £6.00
LB107 D50944 Plunger, below central knob, distributor cap £6.50
LB110 Ignition high tension lead, per foot £2.00
LB120 Numbered sleeves - ignition leads, Bentley : set of 6 £56.00
LB130 Terminal, to spark plug - ignition leads £2.20
LB130PL Terminal, dull nickel plated - Ignition leads £6.00
LB141 Spark plug (replacement) including spacer washer £8.50
LB142 Spacer, for use with short bodied spark plug £2.90
LB143 Spark plug (replacement ) £5.60
LB145 Knurled spark plug connector nut £2.40
LB145PL /se142 Knurled spark plug connector nut, dull nickel plated £4.50
LB150 Jackplug - distributor base, cap £68.00
LB160 E50703 Threaded connector, distributor cap H.T. lead. £19.50
LB170 E50704 Rubber seal, distributor, high tension terminal £0.80
LB175 D50945 Rubber seal, distributor cap central knob £0.80
LB180 D50110 Brass disc, distributor, high tension terminal £0.60
LB205 Bakelite housing, ballast resistor, bare £73.50
LB206 Knurled thumb nut retaining ballast resistor £18.00
LB210A D50197A Ballast resistor, complete (does not include LB205) £121.00
LB215 DW295 Winding, ballast resistor £16.00
LB220 EB547 Spring, distributor centrifugal advance, to 100 in K series £13.00
LB225 E61099 Spring, distributor centrifugal advance, 101 in K series on POA
LB330 E72986-91 Sleeve, wire marker with stepped bore, set of 1 - 6: coil £68.00
LBA010PT /SE176 Contact screw set, 4BA , Watford magneto, platinum tip, Silver Ghost, P1 & P2 £136.00
LBA011 Spring, main, Watford EW6 magneto contacts POA
LBA020 /SE175 Contact screw set, metric thread, Bosch magneto, Silver Ghost £41.00
LBA020PT /SE175 Contact screw set, metric thread, Bosch magneto, platinum tip, Silver Ghost £136.00
LBA025 U511/SE223 Screw, contact, coil ignition Silver Ghost series 1100 - H £126.00
LBA028 E17935a/SE055 Screw, contact, coil ignition Silver Ghost series J - R £126.00
LBA030 U510A/SE222 Blade assembly, LT contact, coil ignition Silver Ghost series 700 - R £94.50
LBA035 E466/SE209 Contact blade assembly, trembler coil, Silver Ghost £94.50
LBA038 E277/SE210 Screw, contact, trembler coil, Silver Ghost £136.00
LBA040 T2713/se208 Spring, under trembler coil armature blade, Silver Ghost £4.00
LBA045 Driving tube, magneto, Silver Ghost £472.50
LBA050 E17644/se105 Driving pin, magneto, Silver Ghost £86.00
LBA055 E17640/se106 Driving block, magneto, Silver Ghost £65.50
LBA060 C1148/SE107 Cover, left hand thread,coupling, magneto end, Silver Ghost £50.50
LBA061 E17643 Cover, left hand thread,coupling, magneto end, Silver Ghost series A - R £65.50
LBA065 C1276/SE108 Cover, right hand thread,coupling, magneto end, Silver Ghost £49.50
LBA066 E17645 Cover, right hand thread,coupling, magneto end, Silver Ghost series A - R £65.50
LBA070 K5039/se149 Washer, for magneto coupling cover, Silver Ghost series 1100 on £6.50
LBA100 E1973/se154 Tube support, 2" diam., magneto wires, Silver Ghost £85.00
LBA105 E1418/se206 Tube support, 1 3/4" diam., magneto wires, Silver Ghost £93.50
LBA110 U1104/se065 Tube support, trembler coil ignition wires, Silver Ghost £136.00
LBA120 /SE058 Conduit set for HT leads, POA
LBA130 C43/se143 Terminal, spark plug connection, Silver Ghost £13.00
LBA140 E17799 Cables, magneto HT, Silver Ghost POA
LBA150 C367 Disc, insulating, distributor cap £51.00
LBA160 Connector assembly, HT lead to distributor cap, Silver Ghost £55.00
LBA200 U444/SE242 Shaft, main, governor/distributor, Silver Ghost £203.50
LBA210 /SE178 Bearing, lower, ignition tower, Silver Ghost £195.50
LBA220 U437aU442/se077 Bearing, thrust, ignition tower, below drive gear, Silver Ghost £246.00
LBA225 U436aU441/se177 Bearing, thrust, ignition tower, above drive gear, Silver Ghost £246.00
LBA240 T1920/SE073 Spring, moderator, governor control, Silver Ghost £46.50
LBA250 /se186 Brush, magneto armature earth, Watford magneto £4.00
LBA255 /se188 Brush & spring, magneto points carrier earth, Watford magneto £5.50
LBA260 /se191 Brush, distributor rotor, Watford magneto £5.50
LBA261 /se192 Brush, distributor rotor, Bosch magneto £5.50
LBA265 C189/se172 Brush & spring, 0.25" diam, small distributor, Silver Ghost 1909 - series 1600 £5.50
LBA270 /se054 Brush & spring, 6mm diam, small distributor, Silver Ghost 1909 - series 1600 £5.50
LBA275 /se183 Brush & spring, coil & magneto distributor, Silver Ghost 1700 - R series £5.50
LBA280 /se187 Brush, carbon button, magneto points earth, all Silver Ghost £5.50
LBA285 /se189 Brush & spring, HT pick up, Watford E06 magneto, Silver Ghost £5.50
LBA290 /se190 Brush & spring, magneto armature earth, all Silver Ghost £7.00
LBA350 Body, distributor, Springfield Silver Ghost and Phantom 1 (American Bosch) POA
LBB090 E52877 Bolt, long, retaining magneto, 20hp and 20/25 POA
LBB095 E52876 Bolt, short, retaining magneto, 20hp and 20/25 POA
LBB130 E51071 - 6 Numbered wire markers - HT leads, 20hp, 20/25, 25/30 and Bentley : set of 6 £56.00
LBB135 E51070 Number 0 wire marker - HT king lead, 20hp, 20/25 £12.50
LBB150 E52103 Spring, centrifugal ignition advance, 20hp, 20/25 and 25/30 to end of O2 POA
LBC010 Cap, Dejon distributor, late Springfield Phantom 1 £66.00
LBC020 Rotor arm, Dejon distributor, late Springfield Phantom 1 £26.00
LBC030 Contact breaker set, Dejon distributor, late Springfield Phantom 1 £34.50
LBC040 Bearing, base of twin drive distributor tower, Springfield Phantom 1 £32.50
LBC110 E71190-5 Numbered wire markers, magneto HT leads, parallel bore, P1 & P2, set of 6 £71.50
LBC115 E72979-84 Numbered wire markers, magneto HT leads, stepped bore, Ph 1, set of 6 £71.50
LBC120 E52369-74 Numbered wire markers, coil HT leads, parallel bore, Ph 1 & Ph 2, set of 6 £71.50
LBC125 E72986-91 Numbered wire markers, coil HT leads, stepped bore, Phantom 1, set of 6 £68.00
LBD010 E74839/pe222 Spring, magneto return, P2 £21.00
LBD039 E57529 Eyelet, conduit tube, HT leads, P2 series P2 on POA
LBD040 E80699 Bush, threaded, HT conduit tube, P2, N2 and O2 series only £26.00
LBD160 E78105/pe257 Connection extension, spark plug, Phantom 2 £10.50
LBH011 Contact breaker car set, Phantom 3 £381.00
LBH020 Condenser, Phantom 3 POA
LBH030 Bearing - Distributor (brass cage), Phantom 3 £44.00
LBH040 Oil seal - Distributor, Phantom 3 £10.50
LBJ150 E61408 Spring, centrifugal ignition advance, 25/30 series O2 on POA
LBN015 DW409 Rotor arm, Wraith C-series only £59.00
LBN050 Contact breaker set, Wraith C series only £74.00
LBR050 Bearing, distributor tower, lower, P2 £32.50
LBR055 D74372 Contact breaker points set, RR 20hp to GWL end and Phantom 1 £61.50
LBR060 RD8550 Rotor arm, Wraith and Mk6, suppressed £67.50
LBR100 Bearing, Watford magneto armature £53.50
LBR140:2 Spark plug 20hp, 20/25, P1 & P2, S Ghost £7.50
LBR141 Spark plug P3 and Mk VI £7.00
LBR141A Spark plug P3 and Mk VI £5.80
LBR145 Spark plug, Wraith, with terminal nut. £6.50
LBR149 Dehydrator plug - 18mm spark plug fitting £10.50
LBR650 Contact breaker points - set, Wraith A and B series and post-war to 1955. £142.00

Part Usage: Listed by Chassis Series

Lookup Chassis Code

The table shows a filtered list of the parts required for section ‘LB: Ignition system’ on a Rolls-Royce Phantom 1: G2A series, with quantities if known.

Part Number R-R Number Part Description QTY Unit Price
LB010 D72503 Coil, side entry 1 £724.00
LB011 Cap, side entry coil 1 £81.00
LB012 Knob, retaining coil cap 1 £52.00
LB012A Neoprene seal for knob which retains coil cap 1 £2.00
LB013 Screw, side of coil 1 £69.00
LB020 Bearing - distributor 1 £20.00
LB030 E50798 Fibre washer, distributor base 1 £3.40
LB060 R7274/D54828A Rotor arm 1 £53.50
LB061 D54829 Blade, distributor rotor arm 1 £6.00
LB067 SE195 Spring/carbon contact (set), small HP, S.Ghost S - U, P1 & P2 1 £15.50
LB092B Condenser, Replacement 1 £22.50
LB095 D71005/R7273? Distributor cap, with central HT feed, Bentley 3 1/2L to end of CR ser, P1 & P2 1 £205.00
LB130 Terminal, to spark plug - ignition leads 6 £2.20
LB130PL Terminal, dull nickel plated - Ignition leads 6 £6.00
LB145PL /se142 Knurled spark plug connector nut, dull nickel plated 12 £4.50
LB160 E50703 Threaded connector, distributor cap H.T. lead. 7 £19.50
LB170 E50704 Rubber seal, distributor, high tension terminal 7 £0.80
LB180 D50110 Brass disc, distributor, high tension terminal 7 £0.60
LB206 Knurled thumb nut retaining ballast resistor 2 £18.00
LB210A D50197A Ballast resistor, complete (does not include LB205) 1 £121.00
LB215 DW295 Winding, ballast resistor 1 £16.00
LBA010PT /SE176 Contact screw set, 4BA , Watford magneto, platinum tip, Silver Ghost, P1 & P2 1 £136.00
LBR055 D74372 Contact breaker points set, RR 20hp to GWL end and Phantom 1 1 £61.50
LBR140:2 Spark plug 20hp, 20/25, P1 & P2, S Ghost 12 £7.50